Side Crafts

Freedom and Discovery in Painting with Jeremy Palko

Jocelyn Hallman Season 1 Episode 7

In this episode, Jocelyn Hallman talks to Jeremy Palko (The Walking Dead, Ruthless, Bloodline) about his work as a painter. Jeremy works with acrylic paints on canvas, painting daily and working on multiple pieces at once. His works are characterized by vibrant colours - landscapes and night skies are common themes - often accompanied by stark silhouettes and other shapes. Jeremy's work has a joyful energy, and listening to him talk about his creative process, you can really hear how much passion and discovery he brings to each piece. We discuss how he got into painting, the unique tools he uses for painting (candles! boxes! a barbecue grill!), how painting has informed his acting, and some of his other creative pursuits (did you know he plays the guitar and did pottery in high school?). 

After the show, go to @sidecraftspodcast on Instagram to see pictures of some of the pieces we talked about! 

Follow Jeremy on Instagram @artbypalko and on Twitter @JeremyPalko. He can also be found on Facebook. 

Jeremy's art is available to view and purchase at Check it out! 

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